23 things

My favorite discovery was the web site with links to the Web 2.0 award list.

The program has not affected me as much as it has others who are less familiar with searching the internet and with web 2.0 applications.

It has,however,  allowed me to have a little more familiarity with applications that I would not have had time or motivation to explore on my own, like RSS feeds and YouTube.

I don’t know what could be done differently to improve the program’s format or concept.


I chose the book blink. In the description it says “Blink is a book about how we think without thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instant – in the blink of an eye – that actually aren’t as simple as they seem. “.


I found NPRs Health and Science podcast website. I don’t think I would have enough spare time to search for and listen to podcasts outside of this work project.


I explored YouTube.  The video I chose shows how to tie a tie.  I chose this video because I know a few men who cannot do this on their own. Watching a video showing how it is done may help.

I like that there are tutorials and how-to videos on YouTube. If you are searching for an instructional video, it may be useful. It also brings up an abundance of useless and irrelevant items.

As for a componenet of YouTube that would be useful to the library. Instructional videos showing patrons how to use some of the technology we have in the system may be of use. Perhaps showing how to use the all circ machine. Then the library would have to have a way to incorportate the tutorial into the machine’s software and menu so patrons could easily bring it up.



The web 2.0 tool I chose to explore is care2. It is a easy way for people with a social conscience but without money to spare to donate to causes and make a difference.

The “click to donate” feature is easy to use. It has many petitions for things that I may not have seeked out on my own but certainly believe in enough to add my name to. I may even create a few of my own.

I don’t know if it could be used in a library setting. Literacy and education are two of the causes supported by the site.


Zoho writer

Zoho writer has much richer features than Wordpad. Wordpad is what you usually have to use if you are using a workstation that does not have a license for Word.


It seems that it lets you export the document in most of the popular formats, including rtf. A person with time to start a project that requires a word processor, but without an available workstation, can start with Zoho and then export it to their own workstation.


Being that it is an online document I would not use it for sensitive information.

It would be a useful tool for collaborative reports between branches, departments, or agencies. Easier for mass editing then e-mail attachments or mailing reports back and forth for editing/expanding.

PBCLS wiki

I added my current favorite TV show (that is not in reruns) to the PBCLS wiki. I also added my blog to the list of favorite blogs. Truth be told this is certainly not one of my favorite blogs! It is, however, a way for everyone to know that I was there 🙂


What I find interesting about wikis is how multiple people collaborate to create the whole.

One possible application that may work well within a library are resources lists and information. The individual working on the list may not be aware of all possible resources. Another individual or department may have useful resources to add or just more information about the available resources.

my playlist

WordPress doesn’t allow embedded objects so you have to click 😦


What does web 2.0 mean to me?

When I hear web 2.0 I think of dynamic, rather than static. I think of interfaces that allow people to socialize and share information more easily and quickly, in real time. Web applications that combine social networking with information sharing.